Resources and Opportunities

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Did you know that approximately 55% of unicorn founders are immigrants or children of immigrants 

In the news

On June 6th the California Senate recognized the five of incredible people who co-authored Bill 54 alongside legislators with Senate Resolutions. The work on the bill, signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, was honored in a ceremony on the Senate floor. SB54 requires venture capital firms to report diversity metrics about their prior year's investments, which will be publicly available. This is a crucial step toward rectifying the inequity in venture funding by establishing accurate data collection and public availability to foster accountability and progress!


For students

  • .406 Ventures Student Fellowship. Learn more and apply.

  • Applications are almost closed for BLCK VC’s Breaking into Venture Fall 2024 Cohort 8 here

  • swsh is hiring for a college-aged summer marketing intern for 6 weeks here 

For graduates

  • First Round Capital is hiring for a Chief of Staff here

For female founders

  • For graduates’s Female Founders Conference applications are open right now here 

  • Female founders, apply now for the IE NJ's Women's Pitch Competition—pitch your startup, gain valuable exposure, win amazing prizes $$ that could take your business to the next level. Learn more here

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Some more our fellows collected!

  • For aspiring investors to learn about biotech here

  • Webinar on emotional side of venture investing here

  • Founder’s guide for B2B SaaS sales strategy go-to-market performance here

  • Investor databases and lists on the internet here

  • Founder & Pre-Founder Start-Up Resources here

  • Value add for VCs here